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这是一篇经济论文,经济学出发点是经济主体和经济客体的对称关系。经济客体和经济主体的对称关系展开为经济主体和经济客体从不对称到对称的转化运动,经济主体和经济客体从不对称到对称的转化运动形成经济发展的客观规律,展开为经济学的逻辑体系。经济学的出发点和经济的出发点是一致的,经济学的逻辑和经济发展的规律是一致的。(以上内容来自百度百科)今天为大家强烈推荐一篇经济论文,供大家参考。硕士经济学校毕业论文范文优选第一篇第一章导论第一节问题的提出一个国家或地区的经济增长一般会经历马尔萨斯均衡;、工业革命;(或经济赶超)、卡尔多典型事实下的经济增长;(即新古典增长)、新经济分叉;(内生经济增长)等阶段,在经济赶超过程中,可能会出现低收入均衡陷讲和中等收入陷讲(中国经济增长与宏观稳定课题组?,2008)。一些经济体跨过低收入水平均衡陷讲后很快就进入了高收入阶段,另一些经济体经过数十年仍然停留在中等收入阶段。拉美一些国家早在二十世纪五、六十年代就摆脱了贫困陷讲,然而到目前为止仍然没有成为高收入国家,截至2021年,智利、乌拉圭、墨西哥、巴西、哥伦比亚、阿根廷、秘鲁、委内瑞拉在中等收入阶段平均滞留62年?。而与这些拉美国家同一时期达到中等收入水平的日本以及东亚四小龙;,在相对较短的时间内就进入了高收入阶段,它们在中等收入阶段平均停留了 30 年。东亚也有一些国家似乎要走拉美国家的老路。1998年亚洲金融危机之后,马来西亚、泰国等亚洲中等收入国家的经济增长速度开始下滑?,迈入高收入阶段的速度明显下降。据此,Ginand haras (2007)在世界银行的报告《东亚复兴:经济增长的思想〉〉中提出了 中等收入陷讲;这一名词以警示东亚新兴经济体的发展,报告认为如果东亚新兴经济体的发展方式不能带来规模经济效应,它们会和那些拉美国家一样,经过数十年的发展后仍达不到高收入水平。改革开放以来,中国的发展成就向世人再现了亚洲奇迹;。1978~1999年,中国人均GDP年均增长8.4%,人均国民收入在1999年达到840美元,进入下中等收入国家行列;2000-2021年,人均GDP年均增长9.7%,人均国民收入在2021年达到4240美元,进入上中等收入国家行列?。与那些拉美国家以及马来西亚、泰国等东亚新兴经济体相似,进入上中等收入发展阶段后,中国经济增长速度也开始下降,2021?2021年中国的人均GDP增长率分别为8.7%、7.3%、7.2%?,明显低于下中等收入阶段9.7%的年均增长率。尽管经济增长速度下滑的幅度没有马来西亚和泰国那么大,但面临落入中等收入陷讲的风险毫无疑问。2021年,中国人均国民收入为5740美元?,若保证7%的年均增长速度,2024年人均国民收入将达到12928美元,进入高收入国家行列。但是,在产能过剩问题严重、人口红利已经消失等诸多不利环境下,中国要在未来10多年保持7%的年均增长速度是一个挑战。因此,中国是否会落入中等收入陷讲;的问题已被社会各界密切关注。第二节研究目的与意义本文的研究目的主要有以下四点:第一,探讨更明确的中等收入陷阱定义。依据此定义能够判断一个经济体是否落入或跨越了中等收入陷讲。第二,总结中等收入陷讲的基本经济特征。在中等收入阶段,落入陷拼经济体之间、跨越陷讲经济体之间存在哪些共同的经济特征。两种类型经济体之间,哪些经济特征存在明显差异。第三、分析落入与跨越中等收入陷拼的原因。导致落入与跨越中等收入陷讲的关键因素是什么。第四、中国应如何避免中等收入陷讲。中国进入中等收入阶段以来的发展特征与落入陷讲和跨越陷讲经济体有什么不同,应当采取什么措施避免中等收入陷讲。第二章文献综述第一节什么是中等收入陷拼Gill and haras (2007)在世界银行的报告《东亚复兴:对于经济增长的观点》中首次?提出了 中等收入陷讲;这一名词,以警示东亚新兴经济体发展面临的风险。但是,这份报告没有给出一个完整的概念来界定中等收入陷讲;,只是对落入中等收入陷讲的原因进行了简洁明了的描述。此后,世界银行③在2021年的报告《稳健的复苏、上升的风险》中再次提到了 中等收入陷讲;,并对落入陷讲的原因进行了较详细的阐述。基于这两份报告的描述,后来的学者对中等收入陷讲的概念进行了发展。马岩④(2009)认为:中等收入陷讲是指使各经济体从低收入经济体成长为中等收入经济体的战略,对于它们向高收入经济体攀升是不能够重复使用的,进一步的经济增长被原有的增长机制锁定,人均国民收人难以突破10000美元的上限,一国很容易进入经济增长阶段的停滞徘徊期。;郑秉文⑤(2021)认为:中等收入陷讲是指一些发展中国家走出低水平均衡陷拼之后,虽然经济发展水平超过了人均GDP 1000美元进入中等收入行列,但却很少有国家能够顺利进入高收入国家行列,长期徘徊在中等收入区间,它们或是陷入增长与回落的循环之中,或是较长期处于增长十分缓慢甚至停滞的现实。'tiaras和oMi(2021)认为一个国家脱离贫困陷讲后,在中等收入阶段发展停滞,不能达到发达国家的收入水平,就是落入了中等收入陷讲。蔡防(2021)认为按照世界银行每年的收入分组标准,如果一个国家在进入中等收入国家行列之后,经过足够长时期的增长,却未能学校毕业而进入高收入国家的行列,便是落入中等收入陷讲。Vandenberg和Zhuang(2021)认为中等收入陷讲是指一些国家进入中等收入发展阶段后,经过几十年的发展仍然停留在此阶段。钱运春(2021)认为:中等收入陷讲指的是当一个国家的人均收入达到世界中等水平(人均GDP3000?10000美元)后,由于不能顺利实现经济发展方式的转变,导致新的增长动力不足,最终出现经济停滞徘徊的现实。;全毅 (2021)认为:中等收入陷讲指的是一个国家从低收入国家发展成中等收入国家后,经济增长率出现回落,无法继续保持高速增长并挤身于高收入国家行列的现象。;李中建 (2021)将中等收入陷讲界定为一国长期徘徊在中等收入区间、或陷入增长与回落的循环之中、或在较长时期增长缓慢甚至停滞的现实。..第二节为什么会落入中等收入陷阱就目前来看,落入中等收入陷讲的国家主要是一些拉美国家(WorldBan,2021)。这些拉美国家为何落入中等收入陷讲,现有文献进行了大量探讨。而作为世界第二大经济体的中国,刚刚进入上中等收入国家行列,经济增长开始减速,是否会跌入中等收入陷讲,也是国内外学者研究的主要对象。世界银行在2007年的报告《东亚复兴:经济增长的思想》中指出,拉美国家经过几十年的发展都不能逃离中等收入陷讲的原因,是基于要素积累的发展战略会导致资本边际生产率的下滑,在2021年的报告《稳健的复苏、上升的风险》中将其进一步阐述为:面对不断上升的工资成本,拉美国家始终挣扎在大规模和低成本的生产性竞争之中,不能提升价值链和开拓以知识和创新为基础的产品或服务的高成长市场。这两份报告对拉美国家落入中等收入陷讲原因的描述比较抽象,而学术界的分析则较为具体,如不切实际的福利赶超(樊纲和张晓晶,2008;陈昌兵,2009)、实施进口替代工业化战略(林毅夫等, 1994;马岩 2009)、政治体制不稳定(Rodriguez,2001;孔经源,2021)、产业结构与需求结构失衡(马晓河,2021)、既得利益集团的强化(方浩,2021)、早期殖民者留下的坏制度(Acemogluetal,2001)、语言、民族的多样化(Alesinaand Eliana, 2004)、腐败(李中建,2021)以及比较优势真空(Eechout andovanovici2,2007;蔡昉,2021)等都是导致拉美国家落入中等收入陷讲的原因。高杰等(2021)将其中部分原因梳理为社会建设滞后论、转型失败论、社会流动性不足、发展模式缺陷论、福利赶超、消费不足论六个方面。然而,这六个方面并不是相互独立的,两两之间甚至存在因果关系,落入中等收入陷讲是它们系统作用的结果。本文将这些因素概括为以下三个方面:.第三章中等收入陷阱的界定及其基本特征............ 21第一节中等收入陷阱的界定......... 21第二节中等收入陷阱的基本特征......... 28第三节本章小结 .........40第四章经济减速与中等收入陷阱......... 42第一节人口增长与低收入均衡陷阱......... 42第二节经济减速与中等收入陷阱......... 44第三节经济增长速度的分解框架......... 46第四节本章小结 .........54第五章人口年龄结构、就业水平与中等收入陷阱......... 55第一节人口年龄结构、就业水平与经济增长......... 55第二节经济增长速度主要因素分解......... 57第三节本章小结 .........62第七章中等收入陷耕与中国发展道路第一节跨越中等收入陷拼的关键因素人均GDP增速的差距是拉美等国家落入中等收入陪讲而日本以及东亚四小龙跨越中等收入陷讲的直接原因。第五、六两章将人均GDP的增速分解为就业水平变化、劳动年龄人口比重变化、资本深化速度、技术进步、技术效率变化、规模经济与配置效率7个部分,那么在落入陷讲与跨越陷讲两种经济体之间,哪一个或哪几个部分的差距是造成人均GDP增速差距的主要原因呢?表7.1对第五章和第六章的结论进行了汇总,并计算了两种类型经济体的人均GDP增速及其7个组成部分的差距。从进入中等收入阶段时人口总数大于100万的国家或地区来看,在中等收入阶段,跨越陷讲与落入陷讲经济体人均GDP增速的差距为4.7%,其中资本深化速度上的差距的贡献最大。按照对人均GDP增速差距贡献的从大到小顺序排列,7个组成部分依次为资本深化速度、就业水平变化、劳动年龄人口比重变化、技术效率变化、技术进步、配置效率、规模经济,其中规模经济的差异缩小了人均GDP增速的差距。如果只分析大型经济体,在中等收入阶段,跨越陷讲与落入陷讲经济体人均GDP增速的差距为4.95%,也是资本深化速度上的差距的贡献最大。同样,按照对人均GDP增速差距贡献的从大到小顺序排列,7个组成部分依次为资本深化速度、配置效率、技术效率变化、就业水平变化、劳动年龄人口比重变化、技术进步、规模经济,其中技术进步和规模经济上的差异缩小了人均GDP增速的差距。..结论鉴于拉美等国家的教训,中国是否会落入中等收入陷哄;成为各界密切关注的问题。为了回答这一问题,本文首先对现关于于中等收入陷讲的文献进行了综述,发现现有研究在中等收入陷讲的概念上不存在较大的争议,只是给出的概念缺乏可操作性,难以指导相关的实证研究。一些非实证类文献有将所有导致经济减速的因素都纳为跌落中等收入陷讲原因的倾向,没有明确主导因素,也忽视了对共同原因的探讨。在如何跨越中等收入陷讲这个问题上,现有文献多是对成功跃过陷讲国家的经验进行总结,但是所得出的经验缺乏实证研究的佐证。为了给出更明确的中等收入陷讲定义,本文以世界银行的国家收入分类标准为依据,采用Maddison (2021)的数据,确定了以实际人均GDP为指标的收入门滥,即按1990年美元表示,人均GDP小于2000美元的国家或地区为低收入经济体、人均GDP位于2000?5300美元之间的国家或地区为下中等收入经济体、人均GDP位于5300~11300美元之间的国家或地区为上中等收入经济体、人均GDP大于11300美元的国家或地区为高收入经济体。按照以上分类标准,本文确定了 Maddison数据库中137个国家或地区的中等收入阶段,然后以18个下中等收入阶段和20个上中等收入阶段都处于1950-2021年之间的国家或地区在下中等收入阶段和上中等收入阶段停留年数的中位数分别表示跨越下中等收入阶段和上中等收入阶段的最大时间。两个门滥值分别为25年和18年,所以一个国家或地区在中等收入阶段停留超过43年即落入中等收入陷讲。最终,本章确定了 42个落入中等收入陷讲的国家或地区,6个跨越中等收入陷讲的国家或地区。..........参考文献(略)硕士经济学校毕业论文范文优选第四篇Chapter 1 Introduction1.1. BacgroundElectricity production and consumption is rapidly increasing in the whole world. Most of theelectricity produced is provided by thermal, hydro and nuclear power plants. There arerecognized also wind and solar power potentials, maing them the most rapidly growing sourcesof electricity production.Fossil fuel reserves and consumption of coal, oil and natural gas bustion negative impact onthe environment, as well as dependence on imported fuel, are endangering the welfare of manycountries. Because of the wind and the sun are free, it is evident that solar and wind energyvalues won't increase with time. Therefore it is not surprising that countries are reviewing theirenergy strategy,directing it toward clean and environmentally acceptable solutions.Despite the lac of emissions of gases causing the greenhouse effect, the nuclear plants areshowing water growing requirements, they are polluting significantly amount of heat and causingconcern related to radioactive waste and human health riss. Safety standards and technologicalimprovements considering the growing demands, the cost of the construction of nuclear powerplants is increasing (the cost of the deployment of modem nuclear power plants is U.S. $ 4-7million per 1 MW). Environmentalists are also concerned about the questions about the storageand transportation of nuclear fuel, while countries' security officials are concerned about thepotential threat of nuclear terrorism and nuclear fuel use. Those munities are promotingrenewable energy local sources intensive use feature. In some countries, renewable energytechnologies are currently considered to be economically petitive with traditional electricalsystems. These technologies are being even more attractive, if considering the cost of thedamage caused to the environment, endangered to human health and other external influences.Population growth increases the use of electricity, paring with water reserves, generategreater demand for satisfy the population, agriculture, electricity and water needs. The concernsassociated with water use and environment generates tension to the hydro resources use andmanagement...1.2. Related researchThe popularity of alternative energy sources suggests variety research. The studies with thesedirections are numerous which are mostly experimental, i.e. the studies are actualizingmainly experimental way.The author mentions in the literature about the importance of alternative energy resourcesdevelopment, as well as alternative energy forecasting difficulties once again facing the fact thatthe directions of this research are very limited depending on geographic location, quantity sunnydays and so on [^].In [14] literature mentions about problems of electrical energy accumulators in which the maindevelopment directions are import of the structural elements and chemical new technologies.It is particularly mentioned in the literature [6] boo that the basic concepts of solar PV systems'calculation, but there are not mentioning the problems of the main structural elements: PVmodules, inverters, and the selection of storage batteries quantity.Literature analysis shows that the problems of solar and wind power stations are not solved tillthe end...Chapter 2 The recent situation about RES2.1. Photovoltaic system exist problems, modem solutions and the maret situationOne of the main problems of modem energy is to search of alternative energy resources. In thispoint one of the preferred directions is photovoltaic. It depends on factors such as environmentalsafety and solar energy unlimitation.The photovoltaic stations pea power is 1200 TW and produced energy is 2-10^^ TW-h. Theworld energy maret is very dynamicThe solar energy increasing maret is very perspective. Oil and gas reserve in the middle of thiscentury will be very close to consumption and solar energy should pensate the reduction involume of fossils. Well, as the increase of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere shouldlead to faster development of environmentally clean solar photovoltaic that can decreaseenvironmental pollution and prevent global warming.At the end of this century in terms of 60% solar energy will be dominant, because of solar energyis inexhaustible. Exposure to harmful indemnity hidden social costs of traditional power plants(diseases, duration shortened life and so on) distributed throughout society and they are 50-80%of energy value. If these losses will include into indices of fuel and energy, then photo energybee peted already in this development stage.Solar energy can be dominating decentralized energy source in the places which don't haveenergy supplied system. For solar energy converters bee the use of mass, we should solvefollowing problems:to increase the efficiency,we should solve the problem of huge solar modules surface eeping ideal clean,to cancel their decreasing effectiveness in the time, when solar modules are warming,to increase the solar modules service time,to reduce the price of modules...2.2. The role of wind power in electrical systemWhen appropriate location is chosen and decided to mae the investment there, then we can say,that wind power projecting process is starting. This is an inevitable and a continuous process.The first is certitude of step, that is, the maximum installed capacity according to appropriateallows capacity of system or buying, selling electricity's agreement. The main problems of preinvestment stage are: When wind power building positive decision is existent,then we can start wind powerpreliminary layout. The latter can give an idea of what ind of developments are possible. Forthis purpose, we should mae a prior scheme, where It is necessary to find out, what systems areexpected to be used, what power is possible to have in different power systems installation. Thepreliminary scheme will provide a basis for the actualize wind measurement appropriate specificlocations and also actualize with staeholders appropriate discussions. After successfullyimplementing these, we can process the labors project.Chapter 3 Calculation of PV System.......... 213.1 The determination of inverter load and energy used......... 253.2 The determination of storage batteries quantity and necessity ......... 273.3 The determination of solar cells' amount......... 293.4 Illumination calculation .........303.5 PV SYSTEM ECONOMIC PROPOSITION.........33Chapter 4 Case study......... 374.1 Sample calculation of PV system .........374.2 Solar photovoltaic station software modeling......... 554.3. The planning of require electricity for Yerevan city through......... 58Chapter 5 Conclusion......... 59Chapter 4 Case study4.1 Sample calculation of PV system3 W solar photovoltaic power plant design and selection of basic structural elements areobserved in my dissertation. The calculation was actualized in Yerevan city for a 1 storey house,the layout of it shown in Figure 4-1. Determine the area i pea solar hours during the day. That's why, the solar radiation averagemonthly Wh/month on surface, which has same inflection angle with solar cell, it is necessaryto divide the number of days in the month. The meaning of pea hours is 1000 W/m^ intensityhours. Thus, the system operates in the summer we can accept the smallest value in a months. Ifthe electric power supply totally should be provided by solar cell, then the calculation must bedone for the coldest month. In this case, we should have more solar cell and therefore morelosses because of hours of sun peas due to low values. Install a powerful system for solar cell isconsidered to be economically inexpedient. For this reason, in case a reserve power source isavailable, it is remended to do the calculation for the average annual pea sun hours, whichwill allow reducing the cost of PV systems. Energy produced during the hot period of the yearmay be granted to the grid and the cold period appropriately will tae from grid or reserve powersource ..Conclusion1. Today, when oil, coal, natural gas and the other energy carrier reserves5 data are muchmore concerning, it bees uigent to study the possibilities of alternative energysources.2. The global maret for solar PV module price decreases year by year, which is due to theproduction of the newest technologies and maret new, more powerful existenceproducers, which is why a number of European countries one of tiie priorities of theenergy is solar energy.3. Autonomous solar PV stations cost 50% or more (depending on the number of non-sunnydays) is the price of the accumulator batteries, therefore, currently, it has the potential tobe connected to grid solar PV power plants.4. A number of countries still aren't connected to grid solar PV power plants clearly definedprice. The price is variable and depends on the prospects for renewable energydevelopment in this sector. This fact causes additional difficulties for the development ofsolar energy as investors fear or hopeless and dangerous in the field of investments.5. During planning of autonomous solar plant, it is necessary to rendering the individualapproach, considering to daily and weely load curves of the house, because of thepossibility of a short peas can be covered a spare power source as diesel or pefrolgenerators, which will reduce the total cost of the plant.6. The processed puter program allows exploring solar PV power plants by running ourscripts...........Reference (omitted)硕士经济学校毕业论文范文优选